We Media

A Conversation with Krista Van Tassel of Net Impact

Another podcast!

WeMedia is into its second month of producing a regular podcast that features in-depth interviews with prominent media, technology, and social change figures, as well as distinguished experts on current affairs and news. This is the sixth episode. Our goal is to help the WeMedia community understand the roots of the changes taking place in our society, hear from the thinkers and doers who are on the front lines, really understand the difficulties facing the media, consumers, and others — all while being somewhat entertaining.

Today’s podcast features a conversation with Krista Van Tassel, the director or Marketing and Communications for Net Impact, a global network of individuals — students, entrepreneurs, innovators – who are changing the world their business. We talked about the future of business and how companies would benefit from some re-education — Net Impact recently delivered a memo to President Obama outlining some key recommendations for how government and business can work together to change the world. In addition, we talked about universities have an opportunity to rethink their curriculum — Net Impact recently conducted a survey of MBA students to glean their insights on what the future of business education should look like. Krista shared some advice on how to prepare for a future in business and her personal affinity for the Sunday morning political talk shows. It was a great conversation, and one that any business leader trying to find success in the connected society should make time for.

Click below to listen.

(We are six episodes into this podcast and finally getting the hang of both the tools and formats. We still want your feedback and definitely want your help — finding guests, identifying topics, making improvements. Send us your thoughts and suggestions.)