We Media

Bio–Tish Grier

Blog editor and social media manager, We Media Miami

Outspoken, up and coming media focused freelance writer/blogger Tish Grier launched her career in new media in 2006. . .

Over the course of one year, she was named Editor of the Corante Media Hub, as well as contributor to Poynter Online’s E-Media TidBits blog, the Huffington Post , and Online Journalism Review. Many posts from her blog the Constant Observer continue to be quoted, linked, or re-posted across a wide variety of blogs and mainstream media publications.

Also in 2006, she was a panelist on civility and online community at SXSW Interactive, served as technology co-chair and keynote panel moderator on citizen journalism for the Media Giraffe–Democracy and Independence Conference, and spoke locally to the Ad Club of Western Massachusetts on blogging’s influence in marketing and advertising.

In her real-life Western Massachusetts community, Tish melds online and real life communication/community building as Associate Director and Volunteer Coordinator for the Northampton Independent Film Festival and is involved in other local arts-related projects.

Her passion for online communication and community building began in 1992 with a brief involvement with newsgroups and listserves. This interest in online community picked up again when she got unlimited, free Internet access for being a full-time, campus-dwelling student at Smith College. In 2001, she earned her BA in Religion and Biblical Literature and received highest honors for her innovative writing on cinematic interpretations of gospel texts.

Prior to attending to college, Tish was the Assistant to the Treasurer and Research Assistant at the Center of Theological Inquiry, Princeton, NJ.