We Media


From the Wikipedia:

Demagogy is the set of methods used by demagogues. It is a strategy of obtaining power by appealing to the popular prejudices, fears, and expectations of the public, usually through an impassioned use of rhetoric and propaganda; centered upon “raising up of the people” for something to be done.

A variation, suitable for our times:

Blogagogy is a strategy of obtaining power by appealing to the popular prejudices, fears, and expectations of citizen or participatory journalism as represented by but not exclusively blogs, usually through an impassioned use of rhetoric and propaganda – online and elsewhere – centered upon “raising up of the people” for something to be done about mainstream media, but without any real purpose or constructive action.

Trish Grier touches on the theme of blogagogy in her Corante post, “The ‘False Divide’ between Journalists and Bloggers,” when she says,

“Still, I wonder how much of the perception of the False Divide is totally that of Big Media, or if there are bloggers who like the division and have no desire to bridge the divide. Perhaps, for some, the Divide serves an ego need, or they feel that their role is best when they are free-speech pitbulls rather than as media compadres…”

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It would be a shame if bloggers — individually, or collectively — wanted to preserve the ‘divide’ in order to sustain their status as outsiders (or whatever might motivate them). There is so much opportunity for Big Media to learn from those who practice social media, and vice versa.

Bloggers like Addisferenji
keep us informed as authentic news are hard to come by from oppressive regimes.