We Media

Countdown to WeMedia (Content Edition)

We are just hours away from the beginning of WeMedia.  As I have been telling you, over 200 leaders, executives, investors, marketers, activists, educators, entrepreneurs and game changers will gather in Miami for a one-of-a-kind conversation about the future.  Innovation and entrepreneurship are hot topics right now — more than just buzzwords or back-of-the-napkin concepts, the very idea of innovation and entrepreneurship embodies the unprecedented opportunity to change the the world through media and technology that we know exists.  WeMedia is about recognizing and capturing those opportunities and taking the big steps necessary to make them a reality.

Last week we highlighted some of the sessions taking place at WeMedia and introduced the influential voices that will drive the conversations. Today I want to let you in our some of our content plans.

We have big plans — but there is so much high-powered, thought-provoking stuff coming down the pike in the next few days from a content standpoint that I could never describe it all.  Let me just list a few of the the highlights:

– We just released profiles of all the Game Changers by Dorian Benkoil (and he just posted his background thoughts on each of the winners).

– We’ll be publishing thinking papers about the “Innovation Recession,” artists & and Long Tail, Social Citizens, the “First We President” and the need to rethink advertising, and a dozen other topics.

– More than thirty Rapporteurs have been assigned to tweet, blog, and share insights from every session.  The list includes members of the Global Voices community, student journalists from the University of Miami, authors and thinkers from some of the leading universities and think tanks from all over the globe all lined up as contributors, and more.

– We’ll be pushing hours and hours of video interviews conducted by Rachel Sterne and the team from Ground Report, with every notable speaker, thinker, and contributor at WeMedia we can get to sit still.

I said it the other day, and I will say it again — what you will hear coming out of WeMedia, whether you are in Miami or participating from afar, won’t sound like any other conference you tune in for — and that’s the whole idea.

That’s it.  WeMedia begins tomorrow (Tuesday) with a reception in the afternoon at the University of Miami.  The first Game Changer takes the stage on Wednesday morning.  From there it will be a frenetic, inspiring two-day sprint that changes how we all look at media, technology, and society.

Overstating?  I don’t think so.  Log on and tune in… you’ll see.