We Media

Examiner sighting: Now you can be one and make mom proud

Amid whispers that it will close or merge its stealth Washington operation, The Examiner chain of free-distribution newspapers (DC, Baltimore and San Francisco) is reaching out to the real people for content.

Here’s the deal, a pitch for locals (not bloggers, mind you) to become “examiners“:

“If you can write three concise, timely and relevant posts each week in your topic of choice, then we want to hear from you. Just picture it now: your name in lights all over your city. Your mom will be so proud.”

Names in lights and riches, too. “Oh, and we’ll pay you … a little at first,” is how the Examiner explains its pay-for-content model based on page views that the locals generate.

Gawker, the snarky New York blog, reminds that it looks a lot their model … without the attitude.