We Media

NewsTrust Salon | Good Journalism – Fabrice Florin, Rory O’Connor and David Cohn

Join a fascinating group discussion on how to find good journalism online, hosted by NewsTrust.net, our social news network. We will have a diverse group of journalists, educators, technologists and community leaders for this conversation. After a short presentation about NewsTrust, we will break into small work groups. First, groups will review an article together and then talk about how to discriminate between good and bad journalism. We will also discuss best practices for helping citizens sharpen their news literacy skills.
Some of the questions we’ll discuss in this one-hour event include:

  • what is good journalism? how can you tell it apart from misinformation?
  • how can we join forces online to share quality news with each other?
  • how can we encourage more citizens to grow their news literacy skills?
  • how can we improve NewsTrust.net to serve these goals?
  • During the meeting, we will introduce what we’re doing at NewsTrust to address these questions– and ask your thoughts on how to best expand this public service — to help more citizens make informed decisions about their lives and governments.

    Session leaders: Fabrice Florin, Rory O’Connor and David Cohn, NewsTrust.net, a non-profit social news network dedicated to good journalism.