We Media

Podcast: A Conversation with Jessica Clark

Another podcast!

WeMedia is producing a regular podcast that features in-depth interviews with prominent media, technology, and social change figures, as well as distinguished experts on current affairs and news.  This is the fifth episode. Our goal is to help the WeMedia community understand the roots of the changes taking place in our society, hear from the thinkers and doers who are on the front lines, really understand the difficulties facing the media, consumers, and others — all while being somewhat entertaining.

Today’s podcast features a conversation with Jessica Clark, who directs the Future of Public Media project as a part of the Center For Social Media at American University.  She’s a long-time journalist and has a unique perspective on where media is (or should be) heading.  We talked the role of media in the community, and the role of the community in media, a paper that Jessica is writing about the future of public media, and the social commentary that she finds embedded in romance mystery novels.

Click below to listen.

(We are five episodes into this podcast and finally getting the hang of both the tools and formats.  We still want your feedback and definitely want your help — finding guests, identifying topics, making improvements.  Send us your thoughts and suggestions.)