We Media

Print Reincarnated con’t.

Who are the new players in the industries and will they take all the money out of it (before the existing corporations) are big points as this discussion wraps up.

In countries where there is not literary tradition (print) it is oppty to create a whole new form of media consumption. In China the newspaper is “pushed” to billions of readers who never read newspaper before.

Interacting with customers (with permission) so the device is “self-skinning” — scalable, good for young people 25-35 in North America. This comes from Korean models with 3-G networks. In Korea they have an interesting mobile phone net that works like our desktop internet. “Shame on our government” for not fostering US leadership in 3-G. Certain parts of our society are “dysfunctional” — if we could only be “China for a Day” and bring forward large initiatives. US should have had 3-G build out 10 years ago.

“Life diaries” which will come to phone, your car. Closing thought — go read a book.