We Media

Resolution: Read More

For most of us, today marks the first full work day of the New Year.  At very least, its the first day back blogging after a holiday hiatus.  So, it seemed appropriate to share one of my media-related resolutions to get things rolling again.

My first resolution is simple: to read more.

I consume a lot of media — I read a dozen newspapers online each morning (plus the New York Times in print); I subscribe to 20+ magazines; I have more than 300 blogs in my aggregator; my two TiVo’s are each are filled with great programming (and that doesn’t stop me from tuning in to simply surf around what’s on TV at any given time); I spend my travel time, whether on foot to work or in the car running errands, listening to NPR.  You get the idea.

What I don’t spend nearly enough time doing is reading.   I have at least a dozen books sitting by my bed – I have started them all, and finished none of them.  My new Kindle (a birthday gift from my wife!) is already filling up.  I have a pile of studies and reports I have been meaning to read, as well as long articles from the New Yorker that I put aside and never returned to.

Every day, for an hour, I plan to read.  I will have to make time – around my work, and my responsibilities as a husband and a father to a 13-month old.  But I am committed.  Maybe while I work out, instead of listening to music I’ll plug in a book (I count that as reading).  For sure, I can make time to read instead of watching that Family Guy episode which, while funny, will almost certainly be on again (many times).  I can resist the urge to log back on to my computer when I get home to ‘send one more quick email’ or Twitter an update.  Perhaps things will just fall off the list completely.  Its ok, its worth it.

So that’s my resolution — to read more.