We Media

SeeClickFix releases first iPhone App.

SeeClickFix, a company that helps people report and track community needs like roads in need of repair, was one of the two winners in the 2009 PitchIt challenge. That’s our early-stage venture investment competition. We invested $25,000 to help the company get off the ground – and they have been working hard ever since building out the service, attracting a variety of media and government partners, and now launching an iPhone App. Here’s an update from founder Ben Berkowitz. The other challenge winner, The Extraordinaries, has also been making great progress and attracting lots of attention. We’ll be seeking submissions for the 2010 challenge this fall – so put your thinking cap on now and start planning the new venture you’d like to launch. – Andrew Nachison.

Hello WeMedia,
Wanted to thank you for giving us the boost to develop the SeeClickFix iPhone app.
Over the last few months we have been building and today we release version 1.0 for free download in the iTunes store.

Citizens can now use their iPhone to report an issue in their community that they are concerned about, and upload it with the location to SeeClickFix. Additionally the app. allows a user to walk around and view nearby issues and comments.

When we came to WeMedia we were looking for ways to engage citizens in fixing up their community and making government more accessible. The funding from the contest has allowed us to release the iPhone app. in just a few months and connect to many more media partners who are displaying our widget including, most recently, the San Franisco Chronicle and the Dallas Morning News.

As we start to work on building a community dedicated to fixing up their communities we want to hear from you as to what tools will help you to connect to your neighbors – and help government to address your neighborhood concerns. Email us at team@seeclickfix.com if you want to help out.