We Media


We new that tweeting was hot when we saw the usage in at the conference in Miami, but did not see the relevance to SeeClickFix at the time.  Fred Wilson from AVC.com has shown us the light:

On May 5th Fred Wilson Posted an article on his blog avc.com which suggested that it would be great if you could use twitter to report issues like potholes that would typically be reported to city hall via 311.

Fred notes that documenting typical 311 issues in this way would be beneficial because of the addition of a photo amongst other things. He also notes that there would be added benefit if the community could comment on the issue and increase its priority relative to the amount of people concerned about the issue.

As SeeClickFix already allows users to comment on 311 like issues and increase their priority by clicking “I want this fixed too” we thought it would be really cool if we built in Fred’s Tweeting Concept to SeeClickFix. As of today thanks to a few sleepless nights by Kam you can use a program like Twitterific from your blackberry or iphone to tweet issues with photo, description and location @seeclickfix

Just follow the instructions from this page and give us feedback. (be gentle…Kam built it in a week.