We Media

Session 2: Aha! Moments

There were numerous references to the ‘elephant in the room’ at the second session of We Media’s on Thursday.  What is the elephant?  Money. Of course. No matter what role you play in the media space – head of a newspaper conglomerate trying to figure out how to integrate citizen media into your operation, individual filmmaker looking to find an outlet for your content, crafty entrepreneur trying to push your ‘big idea’ for syndication to the world, and on and on… everything comes down to money.  If you are starting up, you want to get funded.  If you are independent, you want to get paid for your time.  If you are a public corporation, you have an obligation to your stakeholders to drive profit.  And if you are an investor, you want to make your money back, plus some.

We Media pulled together a pretty accomplished group of innovators and investors – those who have sought funding and those who have provided it – to help the assembled group sort it all out.  I didn’t leave the room with a clear sense of how to get my big idea funded, and I don’t think I am along in that, but there were a bunch of Aha! Moments, including:

And then the panelists offered some closing thoughts and predictions:

There is much work still to be done before the major news organizations understand better what needs to be funded, and the smaller, independent producers and providers understand how to find backing.  But new ground was definitely broken in this discussion and if you were listening closely, you might have found the key to finding your next big break.