We Media

Social World as a commercial as well as strictly personal world

Todor continues with anecdote about Fiat getting community built around adding features to the car. Car owners post about vacations in their cars, their cars as steppingstones to social engagement.

The moderator of this session is Susan Mernit and she is keeping the session moving so that all speakers get time to talk and the audience gets to interact. Now Jeff Nolan, NewsGator, notes that today we don’t have to work within an established paradigm or “precedent” for how work with or on the web. “We have lowered the barriers to creating them (communities)” notes Jeff. Notes inviting bloggers to Sapphire conference was an example where there was no precedent, but no reason not to do this. Asked that bloggers allow response, but didn’t ask for edits. He has perhaps replaced his marketing team with the bloggers, who collectively have millions of page views. This is how he says you build communities of interest. You read endgaget, but you believe the comments, he says. NewsGator’s widgets for big media is about driving content out so that community can grow around it.