We Media

Social World Panel

This is a good panel but it has been a long day. After this panel, the Mojito in the Grove session.

Dean Isaac Prilleltensky, Dean UM School of Education starts with an anecdote about women in Kerala, India, and a sense of well-being that began long ago, and resulted literacy as high as a developed nation, 100 years after women organized for children’s well-being.

Elisa Camahort Page, co-founder of Blogher begins with the dearth of women in blogging which turned out to a misapprehension by a (male) blogger about women in the blogosphere. This spurred the first blogher conference. Blogher has expanded to adnetworks, more conferences and a social network. “To me, community is a circle” you must respond to community, according to Elisa. Community is “constantly a circle.”

Kaliya Hamlin, Founder of Unconference.net says “no one on a mailing list dictates what anyone else says.” So there is a challenge to keep that live and relevant discussion when you bring people together live and in person. Topic people are passionate about it, getting live people talking and then focus on documentation of what discourse went on in-person. When you look at the sites after the conferences, you read the documentation differently than you did before. Face-to-face presents wider bandwidth than listservs or even face-to-face conferences where committees decide the agenda in advance.