We Media

Stir up some wonderful April 29 in NYC

The iPad tablet is different. It’s not just another screen. It’s not simply a wonderful thing to be bought and owned and mastered and flashed about.

It’s a virtual place where wonderful things can happen.

Wonderful, of course, is in the eye of the beholder. Some love the iPad, some hate it, and at both extremes all those boys with toys can’t stop talking about it.

The point being: When was the last time you couldn’t shut up about something you saw, read, watched, touched? When was the last time your media made you feel – really feel – anything? Joy? Wonder? Shame? Maybe in a movie theater? At home watching TV? Or curled up in bed with a book you couldn’t put down? Or clicking through pics or quips from someone you know, or something someone else saw, heard and shared on Facebook or Twitter?

When was the last time your work, your company, your products or services made anyone’s heart race? Is pleasure part of your business plan?

Apple has tapped the most powerful force on the planet – human passion. Even more remarkable, the iPad has unleashed an outpouring of that passion – a hunger for creativity and experimentation. Wrap your hands and your head around this: Apple’s renowned industrial design, revealed in the iPod-iPhone-iPad succession, has led us to an entirely new canvas for digital expression.

No matter what you think of the iPad, it’s a lovely reminder, or a face-smack if you’ve been snoozing. Like every-day life, our digital experiences can be mundane, utilitarian, ordinary. Or they can be wonderful.

We’re into wonderful at We Media. We like to make it. We like to be around it. We search for it, explore it, encourage it, think about it and learn from it.

We hope you’ll join us and help stir up some wonderful at Tabula Rasa, a day-long series of conversations and demos we’ve organized to explore the business and beauty of tablet computing. It’s 10 am – 4 pm April 29 in New York. Sign up now to reserve a seat. If you’re coming, let us know if you’ve designed something wonderful and want to show it off during one of our app throwdowns.

For more information and to register, visit: www.wemedia.com/tablet

Register now at: http://tabularasa.eventbrite.com