We Media

The Power To Change The World

“With the traditional media losing its monopoly on information, opinion and storytelling, all sectors of society now have the power through media and communications to make themselves heard. How can we use this new power to make the world a better place? Session Chair: Andrew Nachison, Co-Founder, iFOCOS”

To help live blog this session I’ll be using CoverItLive

I wanted to use CoverItLive – but for some reason the <iframe> code isn’t working on this wordpress blog. So you’ll just get my regular updates.

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How CAN WeMedia be used to build a better world? “Can” — I want to be more declarative — how “should” media be used to make the world better?

For Jim: A big part of WeMedia is about stories that aren’t covered – but technology has changed that and there are new ways for stories to be called. Let’s take that further, it’s hard to report and tell every story – yet there are lots of voices telling their own stories. Could the Washington Post instead of reporting on HipHop Caucas, could they partner?

Question/Comment from: RTC marketing relationship in D.C. – question: OnFaith is a unique environment – one problem with WeMedia is that it is preaching to the choir – and OnFaith has created a unique environment where people from different faiths answer it – so you come into contact with unique people.

Leonard Witt: This is to the Washington Post: Are you losing a gigantic opportunity here?

Final thought from audience: Final thought: WeMedia is nonpartisan and neutral. “How should we be using media” but the question is – is it enough to connect people – or do we have to connect them in the right way, keeping the right changes in perspective with editorial control.

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