We Media

Thinking, Writing, Connecting

I owe you an apology.  Part of my role is to help manage the blog and keep the conversation among those in the WeMedia community going strong.  I dropped the ball in a big way. I haven’t posted since the WeMedia conference at the end of February.  I haven’t followed up on many of the ideas that were shared in Miami or with the people who helped launch those ideas.  And I haven’t kept you apprised as we plan for the future, or had a chance to ask for help.  I promise you, I will do better.

I don’t want you think that I haven’t been doing anything over the past month.  Quite the opposite.  I have been doing a lot of thinking, writing, and connecting — trying to make sense out of everything that came out during WeMedia and what role I can play to help keep things moving forward.  This is an going process for sure, but some things are becoming clearer to me.

Here is where my head is on two big things (today):

These are just two of the thoughts bouncing around in my head — there are many more, and I hope some clarity about each of these hiding somewhere as well.  I promise to use this blog, and the WeMedia community to help figure them out, instead of trying to keep all those details inside.  I can’t do it without you, but together I feel confident we can do some real damage (in a good way).

I need your help though – your thoughts on what makes something a must read, or your ideas on how a complete reset my be applied to your work (whether its business, or social change, education, politics and government, or anything else).  Post a comment, drop me a note [ brian [at] wemedia dot com], craft a post and send it to us to share, etc. We have a lot of work to do coming out of WeMedia, and it all begins (again) now.