We Media

We Media Miami Overview

Conference Archive

Here’s where you can find details on what happened, background on the program and archived audio and video (soon).

Audio and Video Archive

Di-Ann Eisner of Platial hosted a mash-up breakout. In less than an hour, the group brought together video, photos, blogs, their own information. The site explains how they did it and what they used.

More Background and Pre-Conference Details

When: February 7-9, 2007
Where: Storer Auditorium, University of Miami
Presented with major support from the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation.
In cooperation with the University of Miami School of Communication and the University of Miami School of Business.

View The Program (PDF)


We Media Miami explores and fosters the use of digital media to build and improve real communities in a connected society.

This is the third year for the We Media conference. Former U.S. Vice President Al Gore spoke at We Media 05 hosted by The Associated Press in New York; BBC Managing Director Mark Thompson, Reuters CEO Tom Glocer, actor Richard Dreyfuss and Nitin Desai of the United Nations participated in the We Media Global Forum in 2006 hosted by Reuters and the BBC in London.

In Miami, the conference will focus on two connected themes:

The program includes a series of roundtable discussions and a variety of participatory activities involving communities, individuals and organizations to help participants understand and address the challenges of a changing multi-media world, and to stimulate innovation and investment in projects and services that strengthen communities.

Who Attends?

We Media gathers about 300 international participants: senior executives, decision makers, storytellers, artists, investors, innovators, strategic thinkers, developers of information technologies, entrepreneurs, community leaders and researchers from media, advertising, public relations, marketing, news, entertainment, finance, telecommunications, technology, philanthropy, government, NGOs, social activism and academia.

Why Attend?

A diverse group of leaders from a variety of industries and professions come together to learn from each other and to think about, explore, be inspired by and build upon the shared knowledge and the collective intelligence of the connected society. Their collective efforts spawn new ideas, information, services and businesses.

Roundtables bring together diverse groups of thought-leaders to expose and cross-pollinate thinking about strategic communication. The audience participates in discussion on site and online. Through discourse participants come to a new awareness of the challenges they lead and the values they find important.

Meetups, Mashups, Collaborations and Pitches

We Media Miami functions as a marketplace of ideas AND actions – and a meeting ground for an eclectic and ambitious group of funders, entrepreneurs, community activists, media executives and strategic thinkers on social action. Together they seek new collaborations, new relationships and new ways of thinking about opportunities to build a better-informed society.

Conference organizers facilitate presentations and discussions with venture capitalists and other funders, as well as facilitate independent meetings and discussions among speakers, participants and exhibitors.

Get Personal

Speakers will conduct small-group discussions or question-and-answer sessions. Funders and venture capitalists are available for pitches and collaborations to achieve new partnerships and projects.

Counseling and Mentoring

Speakers and other participants are available for a series of informal meetings, interviews and mentoring sessions on key, emergent issues and developments shaping the changing media ecosystem and the communities that are forming around them.

Plan. Meet. Collaborate.

Registered participants will have advanced access to collaborative networking software to create profiles and identify participants and speakers at the conference with whom they can arrange one-on-one meetings, mentoring sessions or interviews. Plan some meetings in Miami with other participants. The conference will facilitate these and other collaborations.

Workshops and Demos

In an exhibit area, organizations conduct workshops on technologies, tools, applications and systems that stimulate civic engagement and which organize and benefit communities.

Random Acts of Media

A showcase of innovative stories, ideas and applications that are being expressed through collaborative media, interspersed through the conference.

Video Festival

Submit videos from personal media devices for the conference’s “We Space” – a video festival open to community groups and the public. Videos will be shown at the Cosford Cinema on the University of Miami campus. Public workshops open the discussion and demonstrations to the community. Individuals and organizations contribute ideas and projects.

Register Online Now