We Media

WE MEDIA-ZOGBY POLL: Interview with John Zogby

“Are blogs really that important?” asks Jemima Kiss in this post. That’s the question renowened pollster John Zogby addressed during his presentation on the results of the We Media-Zogby poll.

During his presentation, he indicated that:
– “Only 27% of the public said they were satisfied with the news but 76% of people inside it are satisfied.
– Only 12% of the public read newspapers but 26% of the industry reads them.
– 32% of the public get their news from Tv but only 5% of the media does.
– 40% of the public gets their news form the internet but 60% of the media industry does.
– Just over half the public said blogs are important but 86% of the media said they are.”
(excerpted from Jemima Kiss’s detailed notes)

We caught up with John Zogby afterwards to ask him a few more questions (Click here to view the interview):