Do-gooders present at WeMedia

I’m struck by how many non-profits are here at WeMedia – and not just not-profits technically-speaking, but inspiring starts ups and people of all sorts who want to encourage action and change (I was at BarCamp Miami and Future of Web Apps earlier this week and it was definitely more geeky of course, but businessy too). Here’s a rundown of the ones I’ve talked to during the first break this morning: I spoke with Ben from @fractor (@mediastorm had recommended checking out on twitter earlier): they capitalize on the motivation momentum that happens when news is breaking & connect it w/ activism and how to help/donate etc. Kristen Milhollin is asking people to take a little survey about online videos and charities at her stand. She’s hoping her org can become a YouTube for charities/non-profits. I think I’ve already heard of other people trying this before, but I can’t remember the name of the website off the top of my head. I’m not sure though, I have to check that out.
: Jacob Colker is creating an iphone app that helps you manage your busy sked to help you find time for volunteering.
@StaceyMonk reminded me that Epic Change were the ones behind tweetsgiving, which raised $10,000 in 48 hours last fall to build a classroom in Tanzania (I had no idea they were Florida-based!)

On that note, similar in concept, @twestival, which raised $250,000 for, has been mentioned twice already today, once when Twitter won a Game Changer award, and then by a woman in the audience from [Editors note: Susan Mernit wrote about them in her Thinking Paper on Social Media]
Here are the Game Change award winners that are also do-gooders (tweets from @CNCPundit because she said it best & most concisely): how people “off the grid” report SMS real time from disaster zones not reached in first 3-6hrs by media lets ordinary people do good and give back: profits from their ads are donated to charities of choice

Haven’t talk to you yet? Find me in the crowd and say hi! I’ll be updating this blog post, and would be nice to get as much of you guys in before tomorrow’s Pitch it! Finals.

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