Groundhog Day
Occasionally I am reminded of the paradox that we each have a limited existence in the limitless framework of time. Or so reads the clock at the funeral home..
In a favorite movie, a jaded, cynical and arrogant weatherman covers the same, old story on February 2: the faked emergence of a groundhog from his hole in Punxatawney, Pa. The next morning the weatherman awakens to the same day. The next morning the same. And the next.
The weatherman’s first response is disbelief. Then comes hedonism followed by despair. It takes a while for him to appreciate opportunity. He can make himself better. He has all the time in the world, if only one day at a time.
The clock at the funeral home and the movie Groundhog Day strike me as the apt metaphors for today’s times. The clock keeps ticking and there’s six more weeks of winter. We live each day over and over until we get it right.