How to blog without losing my mind
I’m trying to speed up my blogging – and here, ta-da, I’m writing my first post with a Firefox extension called ScribeFire Blog Editor. It isn’t new – it’s been downloaded more than 1.7 million times. But it’s new for me. I’ve long heard about Flock, a browser that’s supposed to be great for bloggers. I don’t try every new tool, even when all my cool Silicon Valley friends gush. I like Firefox.
Mashable, as usual, helped with a handy-dandy list to help solve my problem. The list was a year old but did the job. That’s the Long Tail in action.
Next I need help adding all the links I know I should add, but they inevitably turn a 10-minute post, like this one, into a 20-minute post. And yes, for the record, this has somehow become a 10-minute post. Somehow I need to get that down to 2.