It’s the User Experience, People

I’d like to revisit my comments from yesterday about the impact of rich media on news sites. Let’s not forget about the opportunity that multimedia gives us to reach, inspire and persuade our readers. Persuade them, that is, to be interested.

Thought I’d share two new reader emails that arrived this morning.


Subject: (Webmedia) about the interactive media

This addition to your webpage is delicious,and if i could pour milk on it, it would be the best way to start every day.


Subject: (Webmedia) thank you

Dear Webmedia people,

I love your narrated art reviews!! Fantastic and well worth the effort.

John Steins


One last thing. As Gary Kebbel pointed out to me, with all respect and appreciation to the hard-working organizers of this event, it’s a little ironic that I had to verbally apply for a login and password to be allowed to post a new topic to this blog.

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