Meet me at the Ashoka Future Forum May 13-14 in DC
I’ll be at the Ashoka Future Forum May 13-14 at the Newseum in Washington, DC. Let me know if you’ll be there and want to meet. Or contact me for a code to save on the registration fee.
The program brings together an intriguing mix of founders, thinkers, business and social venture leaders, philanthropists and media to share their perspective on how we can all participate in changing the world.
Ashoka, the global network of social entrepreneurs, is a client and has collaborated with We Media numerous times. I’m proud to affiliate We Media is an Ashoka “ally.” That means we’re able to offer a discount on the registration fee. We Media doesn’t get a cut, this is not an affiliate-type thing. But it is an event that I know will be valuable and meaningful for many in our network. Contact me if you’d like to attend and save on the registration fee.