Mixing it up in NYC: Obama 2.0 and We Media
Many thanks to Bill Sobel, the New York: Media Information Exchange Group and bright-eyed and just-plain-bright conversation leaders at our first breakfast club discussion at the Samsung Experience in NYC on Thursday.
Beyond the tasty mini lox-and-bagels and morning fresheners with media movers-and-shakers, we managed to launch our new initiative on the first We Media president. Brian Reich, an experienced politico (briefer for Al Gore), joins our iFOCOS media think tank and futures lab to help take the We Media movement into the shifting landscape and relationships between government and media, traditional and digital. Brian launched the conversation with a white paper that will become a wiki and discussion document.
Many others helped us frame the opening conversation, including panelists Michael Oreskes, the longtime New York Times editor who recently joined AP as managing editor of U.S. news; Amanda Michel, who directs OffThe Bus at HuffPo; Rachel Sterne, Ground Report’s enterprising founder; and moderator Ellis Henican, staff columnist for Newsday and political commentator for Fox News.
Stay tuned for more soon. Below: Henican, Oreskes, Sterne, Michel and Reich at the experience.