Our Saturday meetup: shoes for both feet
Has Wikileaks just reinvented investigative reporting?
Is Flipboard the social magazine we’ve been waiting for?
Can design hubs and templates can actually stir creativity at newspapers?
Did Steve Jobs steal my old idea for the tablet?
Opinions or insights? Let’s talk and share. We’ll share ours at a salon on current issues of creativity at our meetup on Saturday at world headquarters at Lake Anne Village, Reston.
Creativity often consists of merely turning up what is already here. I recently learned that left and right shoes were thought up a little more than a century ago.
Consider what else you might discover over a Dale’s Pale Ale. Bring both feet — appetite and brains, too — to the meetup with the DC Area Online News Association Meetup Group from 3:30 to 6 pm Saturday at Lake Anne Village, Reston.
DC/ONA members can register here.
Friends of We Media can register here.