The right brain rules at SND
Of all the news organizations, the Society for News Design is the only one that is truly global, cross-disciplinary and creative. Right Brainers rule this week at SND’s annual workshop at Red Rock Resort, tucked next to the mountains about ten miles from the Vegas strip. The creative class represents the best hope for a newspaper industry that is being managed into obscurity by reductionist Left Brain publishers.
Sign of the times: There are more than 600 designers with creative and entrepreneurial ideas about how to flourish in the connected society. Then there are U.S. editors: fewer than 150 of them at the Associated Press Managing Editor’s convention, which shares the stage with SND for a day.
I was privileged to keynote and to introduce “The Right Brain Rules,” my blueprint for creative innovation and transformation. The always-inventive ze frank (right) followed me on stage with a performance that enhanced my message with humor and social significance.
The Right Brain Rules forecast a conceptual and creative renaissance. Unfortunately, the Left Brain newspaper industry is shedding the very people who go on to conceive and innovate the creative information enterprises resonating with society. I’ll post video on my keynote as well as my slide deck. Soon. Meantime, check out the SND activities at the organization’s Update site (with blog and Twitter feeds) and Flickr stream.