Voices emerge from conflict in Georgia; Internet sites silenced
Amid the conflict near the Black Sea, come new voices describing the situation on the ground.
WordPress has a posted a page with blogs about South Ossetia. On Global Voices, several bloggers describe life in Tbilisi over the past few days.
PRI’s The World has produced an excellent background page that explains the conflict in simple terms for those of us whose context for Georgia is Atlanta. Interestingly enough, an Atlanta web service temporarily hosted Georgia President Saakashivili’s web site when it was vandalized in the other Georgia.
The BBC has good photographs.
Defense Tech provides a military perspective on how Russian and Georgian troops match up
The battle over the Internet: Clark Boyd, a global tech expert, describes the “distributed denial of Internet services” from Georgia on his PRI podcast.
Foreign Policy writes about the “blog war” propaganda aspect of the war between Russia and Georgia.