“Why this insistent emphasis on choices and filtering now? It’s obvious: when everything is available, within reach, accessible, the problem becomes not one of scarcity but of abundance. Where to find, amid the glut, what is right for you? How to separate the music from the noise?”

— David Byrne in A great curator beats any big company’s algorithm

The very best blogging I’ve ever encountered has had nothing to do with brands or being seen or newsletter growth or client acquisition. The very best posts I’ve ever read have been from the heart, and have beautifully touched upon elements of life too easily missed.
Catherinethewriter in Forget SEO: 10 Better Reasons to Blog

“In the last couple of decades, the answer to the introvert’s dilemma was easy: get a computer and learn to code. Like a novelist (another popular introvert career path), you can create a new world using only words.”

– Ben Klemons in HTTPS: the end of an era