This is quite a group
The brainpower gathering for We Media NYC, on April 6th, is off the charts. Here’s a sampling of who will be there:
- Rafat Ali, founder, PaidContent
- Ben Berkowitz, CEO, SeeClickFix
- Stowe Boyd, social philosopher and web anthropologist
- Merrill Brown, Principal, MMB Media
- Anil Dash, managing director, Activate & Expert Labs
- Mona Eltahawy, independent Egyptian journalist
- Scott Heiferman, founder, Meetup
- Shelley Kuipers, chair & CEO, Chaordix
- Craig Newmark, founder and customer service guy, craigslist
- Charlie O’Donnell, Principal, First Round Capital
- Corvida Raven, the SheGeek of technology and culture
- Steve Rosenbaum, film maker, author of Curation Nation and founder of
- Roo Rogers, co-author of What’s Mine is Yours & founder of Redscout Ventures
- Brian Reich, founder, Little M Media
- Steve Rubel, SVP for insights, Edelman PR
- Kim Scheinberg, founder, Presumed Abundance
- Rex Sorgatz, aka Fimoculous, New York's coolest medianista
- William C. Weiss, chairman & CEO, The Promar Group; board chair, iFOCOS
- Diana Wells, president, Ashoka
- Nate Westheimer, founder of and organizer of the NY Tech Meetup
- Melinda Wittstock, founder of Capital News Connection and NewsIt
Among others.
Seats are still available. If you’d like to join in, click here for more about the program and to register.
Image: Charles Bell (1774-1842): The Anatomy of the Brain, Explained in a Series of Engravings. London: T.N. Longman and O. Rees (etc.), 1802. via brainblogger.