Can we trust media? Is the real substance, the real news? Which are the filters of information media has? Why is important to consider media literacy for the future as a tool? When and how to teach media literacy? In Kindergarden? Is it only for college students or is important for grown ups just starting […]
“As journalism declines, the influence and impact of nonprofit media will expand.” Session Chair: John Bracken, Program Officer, MacArthur Foundation With: Jon Sawyer, Executive Director, Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting Ellen Miller, Co-Founder & Executive Director, Sunlight Foundation Intro: John Bracken. The term nonprofit is similar to blogs in that it encompasses so much and […]
Panel – Session chair: Susan Mernit, Entrepreneur-in-Residence, iFOCOS, and blogger Mary Hodder, Founder, Dabble Judith Meskill, COO, Crowd Fusion Carolyn Washburn, VP & Executive Editor, The Des Moines Register Barbara Kahn, Dean, University of Miami School of Business Administration Jan Schaffer, Executive Director, J-Lab Everyone in the room is an “expert” and the forum will […]
After the announcement of the launching of the speakers from their backgrounds and perspectives shared their views on how a woman can improve their chances on an environment where often is a whole table of men with dark suits with one woman. They highlighted the importance of women as decision makers on important issues […]
Who will do best for the average consumer?Andy: YOU. the consumer. We do not have a system of care in the US. Money flows in health care focuses on themselves and not YOU, the consumer. Saying this, people go into healthcare to help. The reason to give people power….IS TO EMPOWER YOU TO TAKE CARE […]
Question: what will make me healthy? How will we manage the information? How many minutes do patients see doctors?Andy: The most intense users of the health care system is about 30% of the health care users. We then need to provide them with the tools that will help “people take care of themselves”. DOCTORS DO […]