Is Craigslist insignificant? I’ve weighed in to a small debate: Publishers underestimated Craigslist once with devastating results. Newspapers, which derive nearly 80 of their revenue from classified advertising, lost half or more of their lucrative classified business over the past five years, a loss that now threatens the economic stability of the industry. So while, […]
For the past week I’ve been playing with the private “alpha” of a new social bookmarking tool called socialmedian. You can also give it a try. To register as a tester, use this code on the signup page: wemedia. (This code is available for 100 testers). Andrew NachisonAndrew Nachison is founder of We Media. He […]
It is a big deal, or at least it used to be, when the nation’s publishers and editors gather at an annual conference to talk about business, craft, the role of newspapers in democracy, information technology, and the future. The latter has dominated the conversation lately so the mood has been decidedly somber. But the […]
Here are the slides (PDF) from Dale’s presentation today at the NewsPaper Association of America conference in Washington, DC. (Current membership and login required for download. To join or renew, click here.)
Tech entrepreneur Joi Ito is the new CEO of Creative Commons, the alternative copyright licensing organization that has spawned widespread sharing and reuse of digital content and educational materials – like course lecture notes available for free from MIT. The founder of Creative Commons, Stanford Law School professor Lawrence Lessig, has moved on to a […]
What would you do to provide a better news service for your community? Or for any community? David Cohn, one of our We Media Fellows at this year’s We Media Miami conference, is trying to ferret out good ideas for one community, San Jose, California, from an obvious source: people who live there. On April […]
Jordan’s Queen Rania is answering questions about stereotypes of the Arab World on YouTube. She says “I want people to know the real Arab world, to see it unedited, unscripted and unfiltered, to see the personal side of my region, to know the places and faces and rituals and cultures that shape the part of […]
Susan Mernit has been a friend, collaborator and advisor for many years. I’m pleased to announce she’s taking on a new role at iFOCOS – Entrepreneur-in-Residence. It’s a virtual residency. She’ll still be based in Palo Alto, where until recently she was a Senior Director of Product Development for Yahoo! Susan will contribute to a […]
Here’s a chance for members of the We Media Community to get involved in something new, practical and ambitious. Bread for the City, a food bank, health clinic and social services provider for the poor in Washington, DC, wants to use the tools of media creation and distribution to help its clients and community members […]
The John S. and James L. Knight Foundation invests $25 million in innovative approaches to journalism to strengthens local communities. Session Chair: Eric Newton, VP, Journalism Programs, Knight Foundation Nora Paul, Director, Institute for New Media Studies, University of Minnesota Amy Gahran, Content Strategist and Independent Journalist Gary Kebbel, Journalism Program Officer, Knight Foundation Blogged […]