A couple of recent sketches and "what ifs" by designers offer a counterpoint – or should I say, complement – to our Search Working Group conversation about better search: what about better web sites? Imagine if Amazon depended on customers searching generic search engines to find books and merchandise they wanted to purchase. People do […]
A friend at a relatively large media corporation recently asked me to evaluate one of that company’s newspaper web sites. I removed any references to the specific paper/company not so much because I’m avoiding picking on them, but because most of the things I list I’ve seen elsewhere and I want more people at more […]
Online survey finds general public, media conference attendees agree that traditional news outlets could do a better job FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE February 15, 2007 A majority of Americans (55%) in an online survey said bloggers are important to the future of American journalism and 74% said citizen journalism will play a vital role, a new […]
Joe Lewis wrote an interesting opinion piece, positing that Yahoo’s focusing on social search in an attempt to outflank Google. But that’s actually a positive spin on a negative situation for Yahoo. While it’s true that Yahoo has been doing significant development in terms of buying or building content sites powered by social networks, I […]
One phrase, one song from one of the projects featured stays with me as I consider all the videos that were shown at the Grove Stage on Thursday night. “We’re all in this together”. This phrase, this song, I felt best represented and signified the entire video festival. The art of video to convey strong […]
Everyone’s out on the grove, drinking mojitos and chatting away. Night has finally fallen, which means it’s dark enough for us to see the screen clearly. We’ll be watching some videos created for the web, and it’s a great end to a long, productive, thought-provoking day.
Carlos Garcia and Omar Ramos presented and did a live demo of Scrapblog: “Scrapblog is a free web service that allows everyone to create multimedia scrapblogs.”
Last night at a Miami/We Media bloggers dinner (hosted by Alex deCarvalho of Scrapblog) Andy Carvin and I got into a discussion about how we got blogging…which got us thinking: how do bloggers get to be bloggers? Why do we take up self-publishing? Where did the passion for media–that’s evident in so many of us–come from?
Communities exist in many forms, from chatter on a forum or bulletin board through to multi-player 3D virtual worlds. But what engagement models work and how can media companies nurture communities without alienating them as devices of corporate interests? In our open discussion on Thursday at 12.30pm at the WeMedia conference in Miami we hope […]
For the past twenty years, P.O.V. has presented groundbreaking documentary films on PBS, working with filmmakers both emerging and established to present their perspectives to a national audience. The series has always challenged the notion of television as a one-way medium by pioneering innovative projects such as our Talking Back and Community Engagement campaigns, which […]