On the day The New York Times outed a “senior fellow at the Institute of Nonexistence,” New Yorkers were passing around a special edition of the Times that declared the end of the war in Iraq. Thousands of free copies were distributed at subway stations and public squares throughout the city. I snared a collector’s […]
Unlicensed, but partisan plumber gets his fifteen minutes of fame on You Tube, the CBS Evening News, AP, CNN, Yahoo!, New York Times, and blog-a-blog-a-blog-a …. What we really need is Campaign Drano. Dale PeskinDale is co-founder emeritus of We Media. www.wemedia.com
Project:Report, You Tube’s partnership with the Pulitzer Center, is one of the most promising expressions of We Media to emerge between traditional and everyday journalists. Essentially a journalism contest funded in part by Sony and Intel, Project:Report was created for non-professional, everyday citizens to tell stories that might not otherwise be told. The simple and […]
We’ve heard enough. That’s why we want – and get – something different from tonight’s final presidential debate. Sosolimited, three MIT-educated software engineers-slash-culture jammers, will remix the debate using software that allows them to sample and analyze the video, audio, and closed captioned text of the television broadcast. Through a series of visual and sonic […]
The always relevant Good magazine distributes a free poster on the economy at your neighborhood Starbucks beginning tomorrow. In an illustrated timeline titled “It’s the economy, stupid,” graphic designer Nigel Holmes outlines “how our temperamental economy machine works.” Or doesn’t. Holmes’ patented, cartoon-like approach injects fun into serious stuff, managing to provide an easy-to-understand overview […]
Back at the turn, print publishers tried to persuade us the future was in electronic ink — a fusion of chemistry, physics and electronics that transformed the “printed” page into a constantly changing stream of updated news and information. Eight years and two Web revolutions later, e-ink has finally made its mass-media debut on the […]
PC pulls an advertisement in the guise of an editorial, called “Stop Switching to Mac”, from the sacrosanct news wall on today’s front page of NewYorkTimes.com. Washingtonpost.com, too. A godlike Mac watches and comments just below the nameplate. Dale PeskinDale is co-founder emeritus of We Media. www.wemedia.com
The hacking of a Yahoo account used by Sarah Palin for both personal and government email is a loathsome act that damages the integrity of discovery on the Internet. Having said that, I read every word and downloaded every screenshot before Gov. Palin’s handlers deactivated the account. I guess that makes me either a voyeur, […]
With retrenchment and job reductions — oh, let’s call them what they really are: mass firings — as subtext, three of the more influential clubs associated with the newspaper industry held their annual conventions last week. There were hopeful twists amid fear and loathing. The Society for News Design and the Associated Press Managing Editors […]
One of the fundamental tasks of design and business is to stand between revolutions and life, to help people deal with change. That’s the premise of The Right Brain Rules, a strategic vision and a portfolio of assets for creating value into the future. Voice-over and context are missing, but here’s the requested slide deck […]