“Launch early and literate,” comes word from Googlezon on its new browser. An online comic book explains the technical aspects, which the Digital Daily had to explain to me. There’s no shortage of instant analysis on the sudden release: more than 8 million search results by mid-afternoon Tuesday. And that doesn’t include the Mac and […]
Roosevelt had radio. TV helped make Kennedy. Movies gave us Reagan. Are we ready for a We Media president? Our first scorecard from the campaign: Dale PeskinDale is co-founder emeritus of We Media. www.wemedia.com
Our friend and former colleague Charles Blow has joined the blogging brethren with a discussion on all things statistical. A visual Op-Ed columnist for The New York Times, Charles served as the paper’s graphics director and as Design Director for News prior to leaving to become Art Director of National Geographic. Back in the day, […]
Steering into the iceberg, the Troubled Tribune company rearranges the deck chairs on the Titanic. The redesign of Trib’s Baltimore Sun and prototypes of the new Chicago Tribune are distress calls. This is what we get from the new captains, former shlock-radio execs: talk-radio on newsprint, passed off as innovation. The ghosts of Mencken and […]
Last night was “a night for history.” USAToday said so this morning. I guess the Nation’s Newspaper thought I missed it, marginalized as it was. The editors probably thought I was too busy switching between the convenient coverage by the networks (musn’t pre-empt America’s Got Talent). Or shouting at the mind-numbing graphics and prolific pundits […]
The first trend from the cable networks is upon us: to cover the Democratic convention, you must drink heavily, act stupid and behave badly. Gawker shows you where you can hang with the Ken and Barbies of the cable “talent” crowd. Dale PeskinDale is co-founder emeritus of We Media. www.wemedia.com
Four years ago, a handful of of bloggers received credentials to cover the Democratic National Convention. The controversial credentials, opposed by MSM, were mocked as gimmicks. Silly, we opined back then, because nearly everyone attending the 2008 conventions would be a blogger. Our forecast is at hand. This will be the most blogged, v-logged, streamed, […]
The text thing is more than cool. But does it demonstrate a new kind of leadership? I want more follow up than a form to donate money. Still, I’m happy to get the message about your veep candidate at the same time as everyone else, dude. And what a tool for voter turnout in November […]
Alan Mutter, an astute analyst who formerly served as editor of the San Francisco Chronicle, now puts the combined value of ten major news companies at only $3.6 billion. Mutter documents the $3.9 billion plunge in the value of newspaper stocks since the first of this month – a period marked by successive new lows […]