Going boldly where everyone has gone before, the Federal Communications Commission has launched an investigation into the future of news. Yesterday the FCC issued an 11-page request for information about the state of the news business and announced it plans to examine the current state of the news industry, industry trends and what the agency […]
Maybe I was just wary of thin networks, shallow relationships that have become “friends,” the shameless self-promotion of celebrities, opportunistic brands suddenly going social, and a collective culture that celebrates the trivial above the meaningful through the madness of crowds. I was having second thoughts about collective awareness and the promise of unifying knowledge through We Media. Then this happened: #Haiti at 90999.
It seems that every story begins as a Tweet or a post. The amateurs use them to source and update stories in newspapers and on news broadcasts. They link to our Twitter feeds, blogs, photos and video. They’ve created their own Twitter accounts and started blogs. They publish streams and comments. They link to our […]
The We Media PitchIt! Challenge is open for entries. Our annual investment challenge begins with a simple goal: We want to find the best communication start-ups and help launch them. We’re looking for brilliant ideas to make the world better through innovative uses of media, communication and technology. Commercial and non-profit ideas welcome. Find all […]
This is a true testimony to the magic of a system that allows for open communication and collaborative problem solving around public concerns. You can really see how media, industry, government and private citizens can work together to improve their communities:
The internet is a wondrous anomaly, a technical and creative achievement grander than the Tower of Babel, an infinite tangle of knowledge, ideals, data, entertainment, beauty, trivia, terror, news, noise, hubris, despair. It’s a cultural blender, a mixmaster archive crammed with visions, twits and everyday things. Andrew NachisonAndrew Nachison is founder of We Media. He […]
We may be powered by collective, global, networked intelligence. Even so, singular stories from singular points of view still move me, still rip my heart out.
Acquisition is part of the solution for “big media” companies to catch up in the era of new media. But they need to go further, including more investments in early-stage ventures.
SeeClickFix, a company that helps people report and track community needs like roads in need of repair, was one of the two winners in the 2009 PitchIt challenge. That’s our early-stage venture investment competition. We invested $25,000 to help the company get off the ground – and they have been working hard ever since building […]
Vanity Fair put theirs on Sarah Palin’s resignation speech. If you value accuracy, clarity, spelling and good sentences, check out the work of people who wield smart pencils here. If you prefer to watch and listen, William Shatner makes Palin a poet. Dale PeskinDale is co-founder emeritus of We Media. www.wemedia.com