There’s a media and technology feeding frenzy in Washington. Failing U.S. newspapers are looking for a bailout from the government; nonprofits, telecoms and policy wonks are scrambling to have their say and get their piece of the economic stimulus action – a few billion dollars – to expand broadband networks AND create more content and […]
Technology and the internet have given us greater control over our own media experience – what information we get and share, how we spend our time, and to whom we are connected. We are more diverse as a society, more informed as individuals, and more involved as communities. So what? This morning I read a […]
How news companies can change? fue el punto de partida para un debate que terminó siendo una inspiración para el futuro. Y justamente es la pregunta que todos los periodistas nos hacemos cada día para sobrevivir a la crisis de los medios que está afectando a todo el mundo. ¿Qué hacer para que nuestras compañías […]
Czerina Patel is an inspiration. She spreads energy when talking about Yenza, a project about connecting people, building awareness and supporting change. “Yenza means ‘make’ or ‘do’ in Xhosa and Zulu languages”, said Czerina. She returned to work in South Africa -her birthplace- after a radio journalism career in New York. “Czerina explained that believes […]
<!– @page { size: 8.5in 11in; margin: 0.79in } P { margin-bottom: 0.08in } –> Czerina Patel es una inspiración. Desborda energía cuando habla de su proyecto Yenza, dedicado a unir personas y promover cambios en África y el resto del mundo. “Yenza significa ‘hacer’ en Xhosa y Zulu” explica Czerina, una joven que regresó […]
I like to complain about the state of communications – generally, and especially online. There is a ton of content flowing online — but most of it is not worth consuming (and certainly not worth paying for). There are millions of organizations requesting donations and demanding action — but very few people participating and far […]
I want so badly to believe that Susan Boyle is a real phenomenon. I want to have faith that someone can appear out of nowhere, show off some talent, and have their life changed as a result. I want to believe that wasn’t possible before the internet existed, and everyone had their own channel and […]
True/Slant, an “original news content network” by “new journalists” (which, in this case, are displaced journalists; apologies to Tom Wolfe), has launched in “open alpha,” which apparently means “very rough; no revenue.” “News is more than what happens (an old newspaper aphorism),” say the founders, former newsies at America Online who worked at a variety […]
A few months back we asked each of our 2009 Game Changers Awards finalists to write about their projects, what they have learned along the way and what’s next. (Here’s the rest of the series). Somehow, amidst the flurry of conference preparations, this one slipped through our crack(ed) editorial process. But it’s important, so here […]
Once again, the print version of a newspaper is dead. This time it’s the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, disrupting the lives of journalists and the news coverage of a region, as it shifts to a pared-down digital edition after 146 years of delivering news on paper. Journalism’s economic crisis has attained historic proportions — but there are […]