Remember when The Times ran those profitable, short “liners,” commercial and personal ads, at the bottom of front-page news columns in the print editions? It took years for editors to get them off. Times change. See today’s homepage. BTB: I captured the musical iPhone animation with Jing, new software to grab images and video off […]
It’s been four days since a frumpy, unemployed church worker who’s “never been kissed” sang “I Dreamed a Dream” on Britain’s Got Talent. You want fast?: 12 million+ You Tube views (2.5m within 72 hourss), 5 fan sites, Bebo fan club, Facebook fan club, fans forum, interviews on BBC and CBS, and a Susan Boyle […]
According to the New York Times, magazine publishers are trying to figure out if they can raise their prices without losing subscribers. The answer is no. I subscribe to more than twenty magazines, including Time, Newsweek, US News, The New Yorker, Atlantic Monthly, Vanity Fair, GQ, Sports Illustrated, Wired, and GOOD. I read every single […]
WeMedia has been kind enough to offer us a place on their blog to keep their community updated about the progress of SeeClickFix.Com. We’ll be checking in here frequently, but here’s an update on new features, new relationships, and ways you can help spread the clicking. ___New Features____*Mobile Web VersionUse SeeClickFix from your smart phone […]
Originally published on Two weeks ago I attended the We Media conference in Miami as a We Media Fellow . The conference was exciting and thought-provoking and made me think a lot about the state of the “development through enterprise” community and us entrepreneurs working to fight poverty through innovative, private-sector-lead solutions. I’ll share […]
My daughter Amanda took the above photo in Nepal. The picture on the right is of my new granddaughter, Elizabeth Jane. I thought of them as I discovered The Girl Effect, a project from the Nike and UN Foundation that stunned global leaders at the World Economic Forum in Davos. The big idea: unlocking the […]
Two programs, the latest in a long conversation, have brought smart people together this week to save journalism’s role in democracy. Journalism That Matters, a community of “media innovators and stakeholders,” is concluding a three-day seminar at the Poynter Institute “adapting journalism to the new news ecology.” At the University of Nevada in Reno a […]
UPDATE: Clarifications have been made to this post in the comments section Three recent J school grads bemoan that they work for newspaper web sites where most of what they do is click buttons to paste news stories and photos on the site. This is their first job in the “new” news media. As “web […]
At a time when newspapers are hemorrhaging employees and questioning their survival, they are adopting a more stable role in the community through new media – namely, citizen journalism. Newspapers are helping communities connect, reach out, learn more about their resources through their sites. The goal is to foster a way to make the community […]
The sky is falling! Newspapers aren’t going to survive. They’re declaring bankruptcy en masse. The Seattle Post Intelligencer is the latest considering going digital-only, I was told last night at We Media, along with the San Francisco Chronicle. Others already have given up some or all of their print editions. TV networks are bleeding, book […]