Kos: One of the beauties of the blogs is that there is a two way flow of communication–I can go into the comments in a blog and send people to other relevant stories.
What do you think–Are you a different kind of news consumer if you get your news online?
Progress moves in fits and starts, it never totally fulfills the expectations of the trailblazers and rarely remains in the boundaries set by its detractors. Explaining why traditional print media is a “Good Thing” is fighting a battle that’s already been lost. Those who like print media will stay with it, the critical move now […]
Discussion points: Why newspapers matter(or not) Sandy Close: Perhaps because you speak only one or two languages, you are not going to have a sense of what your city is becoming, day after day, without the heft of print.” Kos: Technology has made us a much smaller world–I can get more information online–we’re in a […]
The opening video’s message: It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one that is most responsive to change. —Charles Darwin Conference organizer Dale Peskin remarks: Our job here is to be sort of the maestros of the change that is going on and figure it out.
Overheard: “We should pass some UN resolutions while we’re here–the room is set up for it.”
8:12 AM (though I’ve been up since 7AM, college students aren’t used to this!) and our intrepid organizers are desperately trying to get us started. Whoops, there go the lights. Guess they’re serious now. Take your seats guys, I’m sitting too close to the door for them to release the dogs…
In the bar, (too) late last night: DJ Spooky and Howard Rheingold talking about: camera phones, persistent online identity and presence, how teens around the world use short messaging services(SMS),and camera phones to communicate, sampling music as an art form and a political commentary, the Internet as a place for masks and personas. Art Basel […]
5:30 PM, Four Seasons Hotel: The ballroom of the Mediamorphosis conference, with multiscreen projection, a bank of computers in the back, and lots of folks chatting as they milled around. Attendees took a break from chatting one another up to check out Roger Fidler’s E-Ink prototype, BBCers Justen Dyche and Clive Ferguson’s mobbloging/video phone tools […]
Van Andrews, CEO, Rhinotek Computer Products Leonard Apcar, Editor in Chief, New York Times Digital Gilberto Arias, Vice President, Editora Panama America SA MJ Bear, Principal, mjbear.com Ralph Biesemeyer, Manager, Intel Corporation Mike Bloxham, Director/Testing & Assessment, Ctr. for Media Dsn., Ball State University David Bohrman, Vice President and Washington Bureau Chief, Cable News Network […]