If Danny was in the room, you knew it. I was asked, more than once, “Who is that guy?” He never shrank into the background. He sat up front, always had something to say and usually wanted to be the first and last word.
Jeff Gomez (@Jeff_Gomez), a multimedia producer and CEO of Starlight Runner Entertainment, makes the case for art in a crazy, scary world.
I am excited to announce the launch of a new project that we are calling WeThink. What is it? WeThink is a conversation about innovation and the future — an effort to explore new ideas and promote solutions to the challenges that our society is facing. What’s the big deal? If you follow our work […]
Allyson Burns works to tell the story of the Case Foundation’s work and help get other people and organizations involved.
Ellen Miller reviews progress of The Sunlight Foundation and shares projects under development.
An interview with Tom Stites about his journey from newsroom to the Banyan Project.
Interview with Patrice O’Neill of The Working Group about what public media is and how it is changing.
In her new role as Social Networks and News Engagement Manager, The Associated Press Lauren is finding ways that make sense to include social media in news ways.