“Our industry thinks its glory days are over. Our industry’s glory days have not even begun. Because we have not even begun to see what this industry could be with the creativity and the talent and skills of women and people of color.” – Cindy Gallup
A new campaign for a nonprofit health organization reveals the limits of traditional advertising – and the tantalizing lure of online networks. If you’re a social media guru, Selfchec needs your help.
I was wrong. There are at least nine people outside of Apple who have the iPad. One is Stephen Colbert, who has the best review yet. The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Late last year William Dean Singleton, the CEO of MediaNews, announced he had identified the problem behind years of steep decline in the news industry. “It’s a good old fashioned economic recession,” Singleton said. In the absence of motion, sooner or later the problem will be recession. Download the report (PDF) Dale PeskinDale is co-founder […]
By MARK WALSH Have you noticed how much time, money and intelligence is allocated to identify the demographic, psychographic, emotional and purchasing-intent characteristics of today’s Internet users (or consumers?)? Isn’t it amazing how great companies like Tacoda, Revenue Science, Ad.com and all the ad-networks are touting their ability to find the needle in the haystack? […]
If Ashton Kutcher’s 4.5 million Twitter followers make you feel inadequate, I’ve got good news: scientists investigating social networks have punked the “influentials” theory that drives celebrities to the top of the charts. Aplusk, who boasts that he’s bigger than CNN, is apparently overrated. A new study finds that the importance of most influential spreaders […]
I love this, and my day is now a little less sucky, thanks to an invitation from Blogads founder Henry Copeland (aka @HC): SUXORZ: the worst social media campaigns of ’09.
We’ve recorded another podcast! WeMedia is producing a regular podcast that features in-depth interviews with prominent media, technology, and social change figures, as well as distinguished experts on current affairs and news. Today marks our third installment. Our goal is to help the WeMedia community understand the roots of the changes taking place in our […]
McDonald’s has decided to pick a fight with Starbucks. In addition to offering espresso drinks to their billions of customers served, the fast food chain has launched a massive online/offline/outdoor marketing effort to distinguish itself from the world’s most popular coffee chain. The concept is not original – Dunkin’ Donuts has been comparing itself to […]