Calling all media, technology and social dreamers: The 2012 We Media PitchIt Challenge is open to entries. Submit your big ideas or vote now.
One of the battles for our computing hearts and minds isn’t over mobile or networked anything. It’s over something so prosaic, so ordinary, so retro, it feels like a faded clipping from a family scrapbook: the offline world.
Now the hard part – the winners earned $25,000 and access to a network of world-changing We Media Mentors to help turn two big ideas into something real.
Until it becomes something else – something worthy of a genuine, heartfelt, passionate backlash – The New York Times will remain a story that no paywall can re-write, no matter how porous or protective it may be.
For the first time since the web itself was created, business, markets, governments and society as a whole are aligning around the networked culture.